Oyster Recipe


Summer recipe: tangy oyster ceviche

An explosive restaurant in the 18th arrondissement, Jujube dares to offer its customers a gastronomic interlude off the beaten track, where surprise mixes with escape. Today, the restaurant has agreed to unveil its recipe for oyster ceviche, to bring us home the experience of inventive and creative summer cuisine.

Orzo pasta with zucchini, pesto & feta cream


Spring recipe: Orzo pasta with zucchini, pesto & feta cream

How about a healthy, gourmet, vegetarian, seasonal dish , rich in fiber, iron and vegetable protein? Look no further, Les Commis — known for their simple and effective recipes — have concocted the sexiest green pasta of the season. Count 30 minutes and 5 steps before setting foot under the table!

food food presentation plate cutlery fork meal dining table furniture table


Spring recipe: grilled octopus, corn & coconut cream

Maxence llanes , Chef of the Barbot restaurant , gives us the secrets for a recipe that will amaze his guests for sure.